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Men’s Rehab Center

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Several men in a men's rehab centerSubstance use is a prevalent problem around the country. In recent years, shocking numbers of people have developed illicit drug use disorders or alcohol use disorders. If a man in your life struggles with alcohol or drug addiction, the time to get treatment at a men’s rehab program is now. Want to know more about addiction treatment programs for men? Call us today at 828.382.9699 to learn more about Red Oak Recovery® and our men’s rehab center in North Carolina.

Why Choose a Men’s Rehab Program?

When it comes to substance use, trauma, and mental health, we know that young men and women are very different, and we must provide treatment with this in mind. Anger… low self-esteem… stress management… these are just a few of the many issues that significantly impact young males recovering from substance use disorder and/or co-occurring disorders.

Young men are also coming up against new challenges each day, and they are more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. As a result, it is critical for them to find a substance use treatment center that can address their needs.

For this reason, we have developed our addiction treatment program in North Carolina to cater to the needs of our young male clients. Our drug addiction treatment program helps build self-esteem during and after your stay at Red Oak Recovery® and that equips you or someone you love to:

  • Achieve sobriety and stay in recovery
  • Become more self-sufficient
  • Identify emotional and physical triggers that precede relapse
  • Cope with stress in a healthy manner
  • Manage anger better
  • Embrace a positive outlook
  • Deal with co-occurring disorders, including anxiety and depression
  • Move through the impact of trauma

For help controlling your substance use, contact the experts at Red Oak Recovery® today at 828.382.9699.

Men’s Rehab Program at Red Oak Recovery®

Our highly trained addiction treatment staff works with our male clients to create a personalized addiction treatment plan. Our men’s alcohol rehab program combines conventional and holistic treatment modalities to address mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional needs and to increase the likelihood of long-term recovery.

In addition to therapy, our men’s rehab program teaches men about what triggers and motivates them to use substances in the first place, how to move through trauma, and manage health mental health. We’ll work together to develop new healthy coping strategies and positive skills for recovery and relapse prevention.

Treatment Options at Red Oak

When you struggle with addiction, you need a combination of holistic and evidence-based treatments. Addiction affects every part of a person-mind, body, and soul. All of these are damaged during the addiction’s course. Holistic therapies are treatments that address each part of the person. These treatments include:

However, these treatments do not work on their own. It would be best if you also had evidence-based treatments for a well-rounded recovery.

Evidence-based therapies are methods that experts in addiction treatment have thoroughly researched to ensure that they can effectively treat addiction. With these treatments, our staff can help you get to the root cause of your addiction. Our evidence-based addiction treatment programs for young men at Red Oak Recovery® include:

How Does Trauma Therapy Work?

With the addiction therapy services our North Carolina rehab provides, clients can get help with a history of childhood abuse or trauma. Many people who have an addiction also have a history of trauma. Often, people use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate painful emotions and memories associated with past experiences.

During trauma therapy, clients get support as they work through their trauma. Addiction therapy programs may use cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, or other kinds of talk therapy to help clients. By reframing how they think of traumatic experiences, clients can change their feelings about a traumatic memory and their present experiences in life.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

For many people, addiction and mental illness are closely linked. Sometimes, addiction begins as a way to cope with mental illness symptoms. For example, someone with depression may start drinking to manage their symptoms, but as they rely more on alcohol, they need more to achieve the same effect, leading to full-blown addiction.

In other cases, addiction can cause mental illness. Substances like cocaine and methamphetamine can trigger anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. If you struggle with both, you need a men’s dual diagnosis treatment program.

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses both issues simultaneously, which is crucial for long-term recovery. Without treating both, the untreated disorder can cause the treated one to relapse. For instance, if a person with depression and addiction only receives treatment for addiction, their depression symptoms could return, leading them back to alcohol.

At Red Oak Recovery®, we treat a wide range of mental health disorders, including:

Your Recovery Journey at Our Men’s Drug Rehab Center

Addiction can cause manipulative and deceitful behavior, rigid thinking, and irrational belief systems that lead to dysfunctional or otherwise unhealthy behavior.

One of our goals at Red Oak Recovery® is to deepen our male clients’ understanding of themselves and others through therapeutic assignments and 12-step programs. Along these lines, we help clients further explore six core values:

  • Hope
  • Courage
  • Willingness
  • Integrity
  • Spirituality
  • Service

Our therapeutic curriculum consists of four “journeys” that our clients will embark on:

  1. The Journey of Awareness
  2. The Journey of Connection
  3. The Journey of Support
  4. The Journey of Perseverance

We believe that recovery necessitates something to replace the hours spent using and seeking drugs and/or alcohol. For this reason, our therapeutic journeys also teach clients how to have fun in sobriety.

More About Our Men’s Rehab Center

At Red Oak Recovery®, the staff members of our men’s rehab program are completely dedicated to helping your recovery from your substance use disorder. We treat men ages 18–30. We offer many treatment programs to help people recover from addiction, including:

Call Red Oak Today

Are you looking for more information on substance use, trauma, and mental health treatment for yourself or for that young male in your life? We can help you get that information and give you the care and treatment you need when you contact Red Oak Recovery®. To learn about our men’s drug rehab program, call us today at 828.382.9699 or use our online contact form. Recovery is possible at Red Oak Recovery®.