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Family Program

At Red Oak Recovery®, our family addiction program helps all family members heal collectively.

a counselor comforts a client in a family addiction programAt Red Oak Recovery®, our family addiction program helps all family members heal collectively. A strong factor in long-term recovery and increased, sustained success includes the entire family entering rehab. Family systems are complex and powerful. In mental health, substance use, and trauma work, the focus is often solely on the person entering treatment.

We believe it would be a disservice to treat the individual in our young men’s rehab program without the family. In most cases, significant wounds, trauma, grief, and disconnection have been experienced by parents and family members. Many find themselves becoming overwhelmed by the experience of being disconnected from others in relationships due to a global picture of factors that contribute to substance use.

Call 828.382.9699 today to learn more about our family addiction and men’s rehab program in Asheville, NC, and how we can help.

The Need for a Family Program for Addiction

Parenting can be one of the most difficult jobs before adding the fear that you are losing the person you once thought you knew. They may have become unfamiliar to you and distanced from you. Some family members find themselves engaging in patterns that inadvertently enable undesired behavioral problems and issues within the relationship but feel lost and confused about how to do anything differently. Sometimes, there is an unconscious fear that disengaging from those very patterns will sever the only tie you have left with your loved one. Your family may be in rupture; an experience of desperation nearing hopelessness has often been part of the painful journey to getting here. Without blame or judgment, this is the time to begin a journey of understanding where the distance and disconnection began.

The Philosophy of Our Addiction Rehab Family Program

The whole philosophy of the family program at Red Oak Recovery® stems from our understanding that young adults are in a stage of separating and individuating from their families. Parents, too, must go through the process of allowing their child to have their own journey. The family addiction program is designed to support this very philosophy, allowing your loved one to enter this stage of development while you explore your own journey alongside them, all the while healing the connection between relationships.

Goals of Our Family Addiction Program near Asheville, NC

The goals of the family program include creating an open space for you to struggle with the uncomfortable feelings that arise in the process, learning how to balance connection with boundary setting, and exploring the groundings of your own style of relating. The wisdom, support, encouragement, and guidance you will receive comes from the belief that as you begin to explore what the journey has been like for you as a parent or family member, you begin your own process of healing and understanding. In this way, we create the opportunity for families to find their way back to each other, back to wholeness and connection.

Our hope and desire here at Red Oak Recovery® is that you would feel embraced and supported by our commitment to serving the whole family and providing the best therapy for all those involved. Call 828.382.9699 today or complete our online form to get started in our addiction rehab family program today.