Anorexia Treatment Program

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

a young man looks ashamed in front of an empty plate, possibly in need of an anorexia treatment programStruggling with a body image disorder is a common problem that doesn’t only affect women. More men are dealing with body image issues, as well. As societal pressures to look “perfect” increase, men look for various ways to fit in. While everyone should strive to be healthy, many will cause damage to themselves to fit the mold society deems ideal. To suppress their appetite and lose weight, some people turn to substance use. When drug and alcohol use occurs along with eating disorders, the problem becomes even more complicated. Anorexia treatment, along with addiction treatment, is necessary.

Contact Red Oak Recovery® online or call 828.382.9699 to learn more about our anorexia treatment in Asheville, NC—an offshoot of our eating disorder treatment program for men. We also offer addiction rehab as part of individualized co-occurring disorders treatment programs.

Why Is Mental Health Treatment Essential for Men?

Eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, are serious mental health concerns that require professional treatment. Men who struggle with these issues often feel alone and misunderstood by society. They may also face stigma or societal pressure to hide their struggles because body image concerns are typically associated with women.

As a result, many men do not seek help for fear of judgment or lack of understanding from others. However, it is essential to understand that eating disorders and other mental health issues are not a choice but rather a complex issue that requires specialized care. Without mental health treatment, men with eating disorders may face serious health consequences and even death.

What Is Anorexia Treatment?

People struggling with anorexia are often in denial about their weight and health. While friends and family members see someone dangerously underweight, the individual only sees room for improvement. Common signs of anorexia include:

  • Development of extreme food rituals
  • Avoids eating in front of others
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Denies feeling hungry
  • Excessive preoccupation with weight

If this sounds like a loved one, encouraging them to seek treatment is vital, especially if you suspect they’re abusing drugs as a way to keep their weight down. They need a rehab center that provides dual diagnosis treatment. Both problems are addressed simultaneously, increasing their chances of recovery.

What to Expect from Our Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

If you need anorexia treatment, Red Oak Recovery® can help you develop a healthy relationship with food. We’ll start in our garden, where you’ll take part in planting and nurturing the food that, in turn, can nurture and nourish you. Our addiction treatment programs include:

We provide thorough evaluations for each client to design the best course of treatment for the individual.

About Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse 

How often do we see perfect, airbrushed models smiling at us from TV, phone screens, and magazine covers? Unfortunately, too many individuals believe that these flawless images are a reality. They don’t think about the hours that go into hair, makeup, and editing. They end up comparing their authentic selves to a fantasy.

To lose weight and fit the mold of an unattainable ideal, some people turn to appetite-suppressing drugs like cocaine or other stimulants. They may also use prescription drugs like Adderall, whether it’s their medication or someone else’s.

Someone who’s not eating healthily and abusing drugs needs anorexia treatment as well as addiction treatment. It’s not enough to only address one or the other for a person to become well.

Benefits of Our Anorexia Treatment Program

Red Oak Recovery® is a mental health treatment and rehab center in Asheville, North Carolina. We offer a hybrid program that combines clinically focused treatment with adventure therapy. Our location is ideal for clients seeking peaceful, natural surroundings.

Call Red Oak Recovery® Today to Inquire About Our Anorexia Treatment for Men

Are you ready to take the next step toward a healthy future? Are you prepared for anorexia treatment and willing to learn healthy eating habits? Red Oak Recovery® is here to help. Contact our team online or call 828.382.9699 today for more information.

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