Men’s Mental Health Treatment

Many mental illnesses affect your behavioral patterns. Symptoms vary by condition, so you may have a different experience with the same disorder as someone else.

two men in a mental health treatment center shake hands in front of a therapistMental health refers to your emotional and mental well-being. Many mental illnesses affect your behavioral patterns. Symptoms vary by condition, so you may have a different experience with the same disorder as someone else. Regardless, these conditions require an adult mental health treatment center in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

If you’re struggling with a mental health condition, trauma, substance use, or some combination of the above, it’s time to get help. With mental health treatment programs, you can begin to heal from this condition, allowing you to recover fully. Are you ready to deal with your mental health condition? If so, reach out to Red Oak Recovery® today by calling 828.382.9699 or using the Red Oak online contact form.

Types of Mental Disorders

Although the list of mental health disorders is quite long, some conditions are more common than others. Learning more about them can help you determine whether or not you need help.


Anxiety involves a range of disorders, including generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and social anxiety. Some people even have specific phobias that cause anxiety. Overall, stress and worry are part of their everyday lives. At times, a person’s anxiety disorder makes it impossible to live a normal life, which can feel overwhelming and frightening. Anxiety disorders involve a range of symptoms, such as:

  • Excessive worrying
  • Racing heart
  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble with cognitive functioning and concentrating
  • Panic attacks

The symptoms are chronic and prevent many from living normally. Often, they feel helpless and out of control. If you find yourself struggling with an anxiety disorder, it is critical to get treatment as soon as possible.


A continual feeling of sadness for weeks or months at a time is, most likely, depression. Most people with depression have no energy, are quieter, get no pleasure from their interests, and feel hopeless.

Additionally, some may complain about a lack of motivation or being unable to get moving for anything. Even eating meals and putting clothes on are daily hurdles.

Unfortunately, these symptoms consume their daily activities, affecting their education, jobs, and relationships. Some people describe it as feeling like there’s constant emptiness inside them. They may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with the feelings of depression. However, while the symptoms may appear to relieve these symptoms for a short period of time, they can, in reality, make them worse.

Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating

Eating disorders are common mental disorders affecting millions of people annually. Many people assume that these conditions occur mostly in girls, but in reality, this mental condition can affect anyone.

There are three primary types of eating disorders. The most well-known condition is anorexia. Those with anorexia believe that they are fat, even if they are severely underweight. In order to combat weight gain, they severely restrict their food intake and may use a wide array of purging methods, such as:

  • Excessive exercise
  • Diuretics
  • Laxatives
  • Forcing themselves to vomit

Another common eating disorder is bulimia. This condition occurs when you eat excessive amounts of food to the point where you feel overly full. To prevent yourself from gaining weight, however, you may vomit or use laxatives to purge your meals. While many people don’t see this condition as dangerous, continuing to practice these behaviors can lead to ruptures in the lining of the stomach. If you notice yourself practicing bulimic behaviors, it’s critical to reach out for help immediately.

Many people are not aware of the third eating disorder, which is binge eating disorder. However, this condition is one of the most common conditions in the United States. If you’re struggling with a binge eating disorder, you participate in sessions where you binge eat, meaning that you consume large amounts of food in a short period. In most cases, the person feels that they can’t control their consumption. Their binge eating occurs in secret, and those who do it feel shame afterward.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops after people experience or witness traumatic events. They tend to have persistent negative memories and thoughts about the incident or relive the trauma in nightmares. Additionally, sufferers may even feel numb around their closest family members and friends. PTSD can cause anxiety and depression, as well.

Mental Health Treatment Options

Generally, mental health treatment for men consists of medication and therapy. Treating eating disorders also includes careful diet planning to help sufferers achieve and maintain good health.

Mental Health Treatment Medicines

Benzos, such as Valium, are common medications for treating anxiety. However, buspirone, such as Vanspar, is another less addictive option.

For depression, doctors may prescribe selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Zoloft. However, typical depression medications such as Wellbutrin are an alternative when SSRIs don’t work. Overall, people with PTSD may take depression meds, benzos, or mood stabilizers.

Mental Health Treatment Therapy

Ultimately, it’s vital to combine therapeutic modalities and medication to allow the individual to heal fully. At Red Oak Recovery®, our therapists will design mental health treatment plans to include one-on-one and group therapy. Often, they use a combination of techniques to address each person’s unique needs. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common strategy for treating the above disorders. Other methods include:

  • Biofeedback
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT)
  • Wilderness therapy
  • Experiential therapy

With our therapeutic options, you can grow beyond your mental health condition, allowing you to find healthy options for your life.



Dual Diagnosis Treatment

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration states that over 38 million American adults struggle with mental health conditions. Unfortunately, nearly a quarter of those individuals are also battling substance use.

It’s critical to address both your mental health condition and addiction simultaneously. If you only address your mental health condition, continuing to use drugs or alcohol can lead to further or worsening mental health issues. Alternatively, if you only address your addiction, you won’t have the tools you need to effectively cope with your mental health condition.

At Red Oak Recovery®, we’re proud to provide a dual diagnosis treatment program. Dual diagnosis treatment gives you the tools to manage your mental health while concurrently allowing you to overcome your addiction. We offer a range of treatment options, including:

  • Alcohol addiction treatment
  • Heroin addiction treatment
  • Cocaine addiction treatment
  • Opioid addiction treatment
  • Adderall addiction treatment

When you enroll in dual diagnosis treatment, you give yourself permission to heal from the conditions affecting you.



A Mental Health Treatment Center in Asheville, NC Is the Answer

If you have a mental disorder and require treatment, visit Red Oak Recovery®. In Asheville, North Carolina, we offer gender-specific treatment for men. In addition, our center provides a truly hybrid program that combines clinical services and adventure therapy. Our mental health programs include:

Red Oak Recovery® is a mental health treatment center that offers various therapies within your custom treatment plan. Some examples are CBT, EMDR, REBT, and relational therapy. Not to mention, our diverse adventure therapy offers backpacking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and other exciting outdoor activities.

Call Red Oak Recovery® and Get Help Now

Don’t let a mental disorder keep you from loving yourself. At Red Oak Recovery®, you’ll receive proper treatment. Call us now at 828.382.9699 or contact us online to begin the recovery process.

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