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OCD Treatment Program

Two main facets of behavior compose obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). First, the person experiences irrational fears known as obsessions.

a young man sits at a computer during an OCD treatment program sessionMillions of people may be affected by various forms of mental illness each year. However, not everyone understands the connection between mental illness and addiction. For those suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, an OCD treatment program is a necessity, especially if they also struggle with addiction. Find out more about men’s mental health treatment in North Carolina by calling 828.382.9699 today.

Understanding OCD

There are many types of mental health conditions. Two main facets of behavior compose obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). First, the person experiences irrational fears known as obsessions. Secondly, these fears result in specific compulsive actions that an individual will repeat to relieve the anxiety that the fears create.

OCD treatment is necessary because the condition can impact all areas of life. In fact, without obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment, a person may be unable to live a healthy life.

Signs of OCD

Before finding a proper OCD treatment center, you first need to be aware of the signs of this condition. When it comes to mental health treatment, education is part of the key to success. You or a loved one may suffer if the following occur:

Constant Feelings of Doom

Those suffering from OCD may always feel that something bad is about to happen. As a result, they spend their existence fretting over things that do not seem to bother others.

Repetition of Words or Actions

The compulsive actions that some people suffering from OCD engage in can include repeating specific phrases, closing and opening doors, and similar behaviors. These actions typically make no sense to outsiders who are not affected by the condition.

Hoarding of Items

Hoarding can be a common feature associated with obsessive-compulsive behavior. The items that the person collects may not hold any value to others.

Social Isolation

Most people who experience OCD prefer to remain socially isolated. Part of this may be because others do not understand the odd behaviors they engage in. They may also feel sad, lonely, and embarrassed at times.

Excessive Agitation or Stress

Someone suffering from OCD may become highly agitated if their usual routine is interrupted. They feel the need to engage in repetitive actions because they lead to a temporary reduction in anxiety.

How Is There a Connection Between OCD and Addiction Risk?

When seeking an OCD treatment program, it is crucial to understand the intricate relationship between the condition and an increased risk of addiction. In many cases, addiction arises as a consequence of an underlying mental health condition.

For instance, individuals grappling with the distressing effects of OCD may experience debilitating anxiety, profound depression, and overwhelming loneliness. In an attempt to alleviate their emotional pain, they may resort to addictive substances, unwittingly exacerbating their predicament. Regrettably, this misguided coping mechanism only serves to compound their suffering, further entangling them in a vicious cycle of anguish and addiction.

OCD Treatment in Asheville, NC, Is the Answer

Thankfully, reaching out for OCD treatment for men does not have to be hard. Many obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment options exist to make this process easier for everyone involved. Young adult rehab programs can also address the unique needs of young adults struggling with mental illness and addiction.

It’s important to get help from a high-quality treatment facility that is adept at dealing with co-occurring disorders through innovative means. In many cases, your entire family can engage in the recovery process, allowing you all to develop a more meaningful bond.

Red Oak Recovery® is a rehab center in Asheville, NC. We understand how diverse obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment options need to be to provide relief. Through an innovative hybrid program and a multi-disciplinary approach, we can help you begin to experience healing. Call Red Oak Recovery® today at 828.382.9699 or contact us online to find out more information about our OCD treatment program.