What to Expect in Clinical Rehab

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What to Expect in Clinical Rehab

Young men across the country may struggle with substance abuse and mental health disorders. Increased societal pressures, fear of failure, and daily stress lead many to self-soothe with drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, young men rarely seek help for addiction treatment. As society has conditioned them to stay strong, many young men may try to quit using on their own. More often than not, quitting cold turkey is unsuccessful and dangerous. Clinical rehab, however, offers a holistic approach to recovery.

If you or a young man you know needs clinical rehab, call Red Oak Recovery® today at 866.457.7590. We will help you learn more about our clinical rehab programs for young men.

What Is Clinical Rehab?

Clinical rehab focuses on mental health, behavior, and trauma. In a clinical rehab program, residents work with various therapists to treat undiagnosed mental health disorders, unprocessed trauma, and behaviors. Each program tailors the treatment of an individual’s needs and health history. Clinical rehab focuses on holistic healing. Rather than treating individual symptoms, clinical therapists connect a person’s symptoms, behaviors, and wellbeing for more successful treatment. Clinical therapists consider a client’s mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing with equal concern. A young man in your life might benefit from clinical rehab if:

  • He exhibits signs of drug use
  • He engages in self-harm or risk-taking behavior
  • Grades, athletic performance, and personal hygiene are suffering
  • He spends excessive time on social media, playing video games, or other compulsive behavior
  • His behavior has become erratic
  • He self-isolates, has troubled relationships, and has lost friendships recently
  • He appears to struggle with depression, anxiety, or panic attacks
  • You suspect he has undiagnosed mental health disorders
  • He exhibits changes in eating and sleeping patterns

These symptoms may indicate substance abuse and mental health disorders. They are often behavioral cries for help. If you confront a young man in your life, he may deny substance use or mental health struggles. This is normal. Clinical treatment for the above provides holistic, comprehensive treatment to improve overall health.

Young Adult Clinical Rehabilitation in North Carolina

Clinical rehab can provide young adults with flexible programs that fit their shifting needs. Today, many young men need extra support to address cultural pressures and fear of failure. Clinical rehab can help young men get in touch with their emotions and express their feelings in healthy and productive ways. A comprehensive program will also provide clients with medically assisted detox and support for physical wellness.

At Red Oak Recovery®, we provide clinical rehab focusing on wilderness therapy. Our clinical rehab programs help those struggling with alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and opioid addiction. Therapies at Red Oak Recovery® include:

  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Nutritional counseling
  • 12-step programs
  • Wilderness and experiential therapy
  • Life skills training

By combining traditional psychotherapy and alternative therapies, Red Oak Recovery® caters to the specific needs of young men. Red Oak Recovery® works with premiere research in trauma and addiction, helping young men uncover, heal, and overcome connections between trauma and addiction. Our individualized programs bring young men together in solidarity rather than competition. Today, the men at Red Oak Recovery® build resilience, open communication skills, and coping tools for managing daily stress. Many of our clients discover their passions by disconnecting from their busy home lives and reconnecting to themselves through our mindfulness and wilderness programs. After Red Oak Recovery®, we provide clients with detailed long-term recovery plans and resources for successful sobriety.

Begin Clinical Rehab Today at Beautiful Red Oak Recovery®

Start clinical rehab at Red Oak Recovery® today and experience the difference. Learn more about how our men’s rehab program can help you by calling us at 866.457.7590 to speak with an intake specialist.