In today’s digital age, people need phones and computers for financial transactions, employment, and almost everything else. That’s just how life is now. However, as with anything, it’s possible to take dependence on technology too far. How do you know if you have a screen addiction? When you find yourself glued to your device 24/7 and neglecting the world around you, you may be exhibiting signs of this disorder.
Screen addiction can be just as destructive as any other kind of dependence. Red Oak Recovery® can help. To learn more about our screen addiction treatment program, contact us at 828.382.9699 today.
What Is Screen Addiction?
Screen addiction is a compulsive desire to be on your phone or electronic device all the time. Because most people spend a lot of time on their devices, screen addiction in adults can be hard to spot right away. However, once the line into addiction is crossed, it will have detrimental effects on mental and physical health.
What Are the Symptoms of Screen Addiction?
As with any disorder, screen addiction can have many symptoms. Not all individuals will exhibit the same signs, but some common symptoms include:
- Significant irritability or panic if a phone or device isn’t available: A person who gets excessively upset or angry when they’re unable to use a device for recreational purposes could be displaying signs of screen addiction.
- Dangerous texting and driving: If an individual keeps looking at their phone while in heavy rush hour traffic or does not pay attention to pedestrians or their surroundings, it could be a sign of a screen addiction problem.
- Never or rarely looking up from a phone while talking to others: Some people with screen addiction disorders will not look up from their phones during important meetings or conversations.
- Neglecting normal social activities or personal relationships: Some individuals with screen addictions begin to drift away from activities they were formerly enthusiastic about. Some also begin neglecting domestic relationships or close friendships.
- Increased eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns: Screen fixation will eventually take a physical toll, often in the form of vision problems, headaches, and significantly altered sleep patterns.
It is also important to note that screen addiction isn’t specific to a particular age demographic. Adults are just as susceptible as children or teens, but screen addiction symptoms have many aspects in common.
Treatment for Screen Addiction
Treatment for screen addiction is much like treatment for any other behavioral disorder. It involves recognizing the issue, seeking help, and gradually implementing coping mechanisms. Some treatment methods include:
- An initial period of abstinence from digital devices: Many addiction treatment programs involve the temporary confiscation of phones and electronic devices. Screen addiction treatment is no different. “Descreening” is a crucial step in assessing the severity of your addiction.
- Engaging in face-to-face activities regularly: Relearning how to relate with others in person can be great therapy for screen addiction. Being there in the flesh eliminates the need for online personas and reasserts the value of human connection.
- Regaining control of physical symptoms: If a person’s sleep patterns have been disrupted by excessive screen use, establishing a set bedtime can be beneficial, as can physical exercise.
- Setting strict time limits to screen use once a device is returned: While a person can continue to use their device for necessary purposes, adhering to limits is crucial. Limiting recreational time on a phone can be effective. Even small, intentional steps like removing social media apps or turning off notifications can make a big difference.
An in-person support network of family, friends, or professionals can significantly help this process. Strange as it might sound, many people find they’re happier without their device after the “craving” period has run its course.
Red Oak Recovery®: Step Out of Screen Addiction and Start Living
Conquering screen addiction allows people to rediscover life’s simple joys. It’s also an opportunity to reassess technology’s role in daily living. The goal is a balanced life in which technology enhances rather than detracts from our human experience. If you need help with screen addiction treatment, don’t hesitate to contact Red Oak Recovery® online. You can also call us at 828.382.9699 today.