Men’s Alcohol Rehab in Kenilworth, IL

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Men’s Alcohol Rehab in Kenilworth, IL

Alcohol addiction is more prevalent than many people realize. It’s also a very treatable condition. If you struggle with how much and how often you drink, it’s important to take control today. If you’re searching for an alternative to men’s alcohol rehab in Kenilworth, IL, Red Oak Recovery® in North Carolina can help you get away from the stress and anxiety of everyday life. To learn about our alcohol addiction treatment options, contact Red Oak Recovery® today at 866.457.7590.

Why Are Men More At Risk?

Did you know alcohol use disorder is more prevalent among men than women? In fact, men are twice as likely to engage in binge drinking. They’re also much more likely to die an alcohol-related death. Scientists believe men drink more than women because they get a bigger rush of pleasure from alcohol. Studies conducted by researchers at Columbia and Yale discovered more dopamine in the male brain than in the female brain after subjects drank the same amounts of alcohol. Dopamine is your body’s pleasure chemical, and larger amounts of it were found in areas of the male brain associated with positive reinforcement, pleasure, and addiction after a bout of drinking.

In other words, guys get a bigger rush.

There’s also the fact that men are typically bigger and more muscular than women. This means they have more body tissue to absorb alcohol. Alcohol is also more easily diluted in the male body than in the female body, meaning men can drink more while feeling less inebriated. That’s great news if you’re trying to win a drinking competition, but it’s not so great if you’re struggling with alcohol use disorder. Men’s alcohol rehab in Kenilworth, IL may not have the tools to help you through the journey to sobriety. However, our men’s treatment center in NC can help you recover from AUD by providing excellence of care in drug and alcohol treatment.

If You Struggle With Alcohol

If you’re worried about how much you drink, how often you drink, and whether you can stop drinking on your own, it may be time to reach out for help. There’s no shame in seeking men’s alcohol rehab in Kenilworth, IL, but remember it is not the only option. There is cause for concern if you suspect you have a problem and refuse to address it. Signs of alcohol use disorder in men include:

  • Constantly thinking about alcohol
  • Consistently drinking more than you mean to drink
  • Engaging in risky behavior, such as driving, after drinking
  • Being unable to stop drinking when you want
  • Spending a lot of time feeling hungover or ill
  • Losing relationships, jobs, or finances due to drinking

If these symptoms sound too familiar, you may suffer from alcohol use disorder and not even realize it. Reach out to Red Oak Recovery® today. We provide a safe, peaceful haven for drug and alcohol recovery to begin.

Find Treatment at Red Oak Recovery®

Just a 10-hour drive from Kenilworth, Red Oak Recovery® in North Carolina provides complete holistic care to heal your body, mind, and spirit. Our gender-specific alcohol recovery program makes it easy for participants to relax and concentrate on feeling better. There’s no pressure to keep a brave face or stay strong for others. At Red Oak Recovery®, your healing is the most important thing. As a result, we offer a full range of traditional and holistic therapies to move you gently toward recovery. These include:

Our therapies combine to give you a personalized recovery experience that’s fitted specifically to your individual needs. As a result, recovery becomes easier to achieve. Consider Red Oak Recovery® if you’re in need of a men’s alcohol rehab outside ofSubstitutes for Men’s Alcohol Rehab in Kenilworth, IL | NC Rehab Kenilworth, IL today. Contact us at 866.457.7590 for more information.

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