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Is Alcohol Related Stigma Preventing Your Recovery?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Is Alcohol Related Stigma Preventing Your Recovery?

Whether we say drunk, alcoholic, or addict, the words we use matter. These terms help us define ourselves and other people. However, these words also represent an alcohol-related stigma that persists today. What is this stigma, and how might it impact recovery? If you need an alcohol addiction treatment center, there’s no time to lose. Contact Red Oak Recovery® today to learn more about how we can change your life for the better.

What is an Alcohol-Related Stigma?

An alcohol-related stigma is a societal construct that tries to minimize the worth of a person suffering from alcoholism. In other words, it suggests that because you’re abusing alcohol, you “deserve” what you get.

The Surgeon General of the U.S. once called this way of thinking the “the most formidable” roadblock to improving mental health in this country.

That’s because the stigma doesn’t recognize that addiction is a mental health disorder that needs proper mental health care.

Instead, they think of alcoholism as a personal choice. So society tends to blame and shame the person with addiction into quitting. The alcohol-related stigma represents a misunderstanding that you’re in control of your actions and could stop if you really wanted to.

Why does this matter? Well, consider this. If you broke your leg, then everyone would expect you to go to the doctor to get treatment. They would also support you. But if people think that the only reason you drink is because you choose to. As a result, they act as if you can just decide not to do it. You can heal yourself. Sadly, that rarely works.

How the Addiction Stigma May Impacts Recovery

Blame and shame often have the opposite of the desired effect. You feel like you aren’t doing enough to battle your addiction. As a result, you turn to alcohol to bury your feelings. So that’s counter-productive.

This scenario is not to say that you shouldn’t consider how what you’re doing impacts others and reflect on that. However, if you’re carrying a significant amount of shame around without having a plan to recovery, that shame only weighs you down.

It may cause you to hide your addiction and feel embarrassed about needing help. However, like all mental health conditions, treatment is the answer. When you’re in treatment, you trade shame for personal responsibility. What’s the difference? The difference is that in treatment, you develop a clear road map for bettering your life, step-by-step.

That includes addressing why you drink and what triggers your drinking.

You learn skills to manage your substance use disorder and begin reshaping your thoughts and habits for a more productive and fulfilling life. A holistic combination of evidence-based and therapeutic treatments can help you overcome alcohol-related stigma and addiction.

How to Overcome the Stigma

A combination of holistic and evidence-based therapeutic treatments can help you overcome the alcohol-related stigma and addiction. At Red Oak Recovery®, we recognize that you’re a person.

You’re not your disease. On the contrary, you’re someone with a mental health condition that we can treat. You can get better if you’re open to receiving treatment.

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Have you put off addiction treatment because of the blame tactics caused by the stigma? Then know that you can be free of that shame and build a more fulfilling life for you and your family. It’s not too late to end your addiction and change your life. So please reach out to one of our caring professionals by contacting Red Oak Recovery® at 866.457.7590.