4 Ways to Break the Stigma of Addiction

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

4 Ways to Break the Stigma of Addiction

The stigma of addiction is real. Many people who would be appalled at someone thinking cancer or MS was the result of a personal or moral failing think nothing of looking down on someone addicted to drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, it’s not just neighbors, friends, or fellow church parishioners who perpetuate this stigma; members of the medical community are also often to blame. Research shows that many of those who struggle with addiction receive sub-standard health care. Unfortunately, this makes those who need it less likely to seek addiction treatment and dissuades them from seeking medical treatment.

If you want to seek treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, you can get the care you need and overcome the stigma of addiction. Contact Red Oak Recovery® today at 866.457.7590 to learn more about our treatment options.

Breaking the Stigma of Addiction

Millions of Americans struggle with addiction. However, only a few of these people seek treatment. One of the primary reasons for this avoidance is the stigma that is often associated with drug and alcohol abuse. While society is slowly changing its views on addiction, there are a number of things those in the recovery community can do to speed along this process and encourage people to seek the help they need.

1. Tell Your Story

Prejudice thrives in darkness. By sharing your addiction journey with others at recovery meetings, at church, and at community events, you help put a face to the issue of addiction. Many of the people hearing your story may not know anyone with an addiction. By sharing, you help make those in recovery and those seeking treatment seem more human.

2. Banish Your Own Bias

Suppose you or a family member has been through addiction treatment and is in recovery. In that case, you may carry unintended biases and assumptions about those who relapse or drop out of an addiction treatment program. Make sure that you aren’t inadvertently contributing to the stigma of addiction.

3. Support Local Recovery Organizations

If you or a loved one haven’t been touched by addiction in your immediate circle, you can still help to banish the stigma. Many recovery organizations have fundraisers and sponsor annual events like 5K run/walks or charity auctions. Spreading the word about these events and participating in them sends the message to your family and friends that the recovery community and those who have yet to seek treatment have your support.

4. Engage in Your Recovery

Lastly, the best way to break the stigma of addiction for you and others is to be an example of what life in recovery can be. When people in the community see how you’ve found a new healthier, happier life after addiction, they may revisit and revise their former attitudes about addiction.

Addiction Treatment With Red Oak Recovery®

Red Oak Recovery® wants to banish the stigma associated with addiction and encourage everyone who needs treatment to build a new, healthier, and happier life for themselves. We are a clinically-focused, trauma-informed facility with gender-specific programs for young adults. Our treatment program is the only hybrid program that combines a wilderness/adventure program with a clinical recovery program in our area. In addition to offering thorough psychiatric, clinical, physical, and nutritional evaluations, clients are able to learn gardening and participate in a wide range of outdoor activities. There’s no stigma at Red Oak Recovery®. We’re committed to helping everyone in our care create a new and healthy life.

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, don’t let the stigma of addiction stop you from getting the help you need. At Red Oak Recovery®, we can help you overcome your addiction and create a new life. To learn more, contact us at 866.457.7590 today to get started on the path to recovery.