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3 Types of Behavior Therapy

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

3 Types of Behavior Therapy

Man learning about types of behavioral therapy

People with an addiction can get locked into a particular pattern of thinking and behaviors. That can hinder their efforts to overcome a substance use disorder. While traditional psychotherapy can be beneficial for addiction treatment, some individuals may find themselves more responsive to various forms of behavior therapy. Let’s consider cognitive-behavioral therapy and other therapies used in addiction treatment. Call Red Oak Recovery® today at 866.457.7590 to learn about the treatment options available to you.

What Is Behavior Therapy?

Behavior therapy is a term used to encompass a broad range of therapeutic techniques that help people change their behavior. The idea behind various approaches to behavior therapy is to reinforce positive actions while eliminating those that negatively affect a client.

The most significant difference between traditional psychotherapy approaches and behavioral therapy is that the latter focuses on action. Each session focuses on helping clients learn a new behavior, which hopefully replaces old knowledge that can be harmful.

There are a variety of ways therapists can apply behavioral therapy. The type used often depends on factors like the addiction a client wants to work on and the extent of their symptoms.

1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on helping individuals change negative thought patterns that contribute to negative emotions. CBT helps people identify those negative thoughts and situations that cause them. Then, clients learn to shift their thoughts and behaviors in a more positive direction, allowing them to be functional versus dysfunctional.

CBT helps clients develop self-awareness and clarity, which allows them to be present in situations. That can let them see things as they are instead of through a veil of negativity. From there, they start learning coping skills to help them handle difficult situations. They also receive education on techniques that show them how to relieve stress.

As clients progress through CBT, they often gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of their negative thoughts. This enhanced insight enables them to break long-standing cycles of negativity. Ultimately, the skills and knowledge gained through CBT can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

2. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) rests on psychotherapy foundations. It focuses on helping clients learn how to manage their emotions. They also learn techniques that allow them to navigate conflicts without escalating them to another level. While DBT was initially used to help people with borderline personality disorder, it also proved to be an effective addictive therapy.

DBT sessions typically consist of making sure clients are stable before moving on to exploring their past to figure out what led them down the path of addiction. Therapists show a client how to manage emotions that might arise from emotional pain and past trauma without relying on substance use.

Clients can also benefit from DBT therapy by:

  • Gaining insights into their past behavior
  • Learning to accept and deal with the consequences of past actions
  • Improving social interactions with others
  • Getting help with building a recovery support system
  • Feel that they are not alone in their efforts to remain sober

3. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Rational emotive behavior therapy, more commonly known as REBT, focuses on helping clients identify destructive or negative feelings and thought patterns that can adversely affect their mental well-being. This therapeutic approach involves a process where clients are guided to recognize and pinpoint these challenging emotions and irrational beliefs. Once clients have identified these destructive feelings, they can work on challenging and disputing them through various techniques.

In this therapeutic journey, clients are encouraged to question the validity of their negative thoughts and to consider alternative perspectives. In the best-case scenarios, they can then replace these adverse feelings and emotions with more rational, realistic, and constructive ideas, ultimately leading to healthier emotional responses and improved psychological resilience.

Experience Treatment at Red Oak Recovery®

At our men’s rehab center in Asheville, North Carolina, we continually use a range of evidence-based therapies to treat mental health conditions and addiction. Red Oak Recovery® offers clients access to a variety of different behavioral therapies. In addition, we also provide other addiction therapy services, including:

  • Group therapy program – Connect with others sharing similar experiences to foster mutual support and growth.
  • Individual therapy program – One-on-one sessions tailored to your specific needs and personal goals.
  • Family therapy program – Improve communication and strengthen relationships within your family unit.
  • Experiential therapy program – Engage in hands-on activities to process emotions and gain insights.
  • Nature therapy program – Benefit from the healing power of nature while participating in therapeutic outdoor activities.

These programs are important because they provide comprehensive and holistic support, addressing the diverse needs of individuals on their journey to recovery.

Get the Help You Need Today

If you think that our center might be the right fit for you, call Red Oak Recovery® today at 866.457.7590 or use our online contact form.