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Addiction Treatment Center

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains


If you struggle with drug or alcohol addiction, you may feel hopeless. Addiction is an extremely powerful mental illness which robs you of self-control and personal freedom. However, a quality addiction treatment center can help. By undergoing drug rehab, you’ll find there’s always the opportunity for a better life without drugs or alcohol. Above all, many different methods help you maintain sobriety long after addiction treatment ends.Download Whitepaper



According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 18.9 million people in the United States needed addiction treatment but did not receive it. Of that number, nearly 18 million didn’t feel like they needed addiction treatment, so they didn’t seek it out. The line between casual drug and alcohol use and addiction is blurry. As a result, many people who have an addiction don’t realize it.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 18.9 million people in the United States needed addiction treatment but did not receive it.

The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders clarifies what symptoms classify your drug or alcohol use as an addiction. If you have two or three of these symptoms, you most likely struggle with a mild addiction. A person who struggles with four or five of these problems has a moderate addiction, while anyone who struggles with six or more has a severe addiction. These symptoms are as follows:

  • Taking more of the drug or alcohol, or taking it for longer than you meant to
  • Wanting to stop using the drug or alcohol, or wanting to cut down on it, but not being able to do so
  • Spending a significant amount of time obtaining, using, and recovering from using drugs or alcohol
  • Having cravings or urges to use the drug or alcohol
  • Failing to meet your obligations at home, work, or school because you are too busy using the drug or alcohol
  • Continuing to use the drug or alcohol even if it causes relationship problems
  • Giving up your hobbies, job, or relationships because of your drug or alcohol use
  • Using the drug or alcohol repeatedly, even if it endangers you
  • Continuing to use drugs or alcohol, despite them causing physical or psychological problems
  • Developing withdrawal symptoms if you don’t use drugs or alcohol



Contact Red Oak Recovery® at 828.382.9699 for help from our addiction treatment center.

Why Should I Attend an Addiction Treatment Center?

a young smiles as he considers entering an addiction treatment programOne reason that many people attend an addiction treatment center is that they don’t feel capable of handling the addiction on their own. They realize that if they try to overcome addiction by themselves, they will quickly relapse. However, at an addiction treatment center, you get the care and attention you need. You don’t have to feel alone. As a matter of fact, you have treatment specialists at your side throughout the process. They can give you the support and accountability that you need to stay resilient. As a result, you are more likely to remain in recovery for a more extended amount of time. Another reason you may want to attend an addiction treatment center is that quitting alcohol or drugs can be dangerous. The detoxification process can cause a variety of physical and mental withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, if you try to return to drugs or alcohol after detoxing, many people begin using the substance at the same levels they were at before detox. This decision can quickly lead to overdose, and possibly death. When you attend an addiction treatment center, you get the tools you need to stay strong and maintain your sobriety.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 18.9 million people in the United States needed addiction treatment but did not receive it.

Understanding an Addiction Treatment Center

While in treatment, you’ll learn a lot about addiction as a disease. Often, people continuously relapse because they don’t know what’s happening internally. Without knowing that addiction is a brain disorder with no cure, you might return to drugs or alcohol. Understanding addiction helps you surrender to the inevitable cognitive changes mind-altering substances cause. Additionally, education provides hope. Fortunately, there are diverse methods for helping people recover. Thus, if you were feeling hopeless, you’ll begin to realize you have many options for staying clean. These methods are evidence-based, and therefore, more likely to help you reach successful sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis Therapy at an Addiction Treatment Center

The leading cause of addiction is struggling with an undiagnosed mental illness. Mental illnesses develop at different stages, and they can be very confusing. Often, in an attempt to cope with negative thoughts and emotions, many people turn to drugs or alcohol to ease mental illness symptoms. Eventually, this results in a substance dependence that creates even more psychological issues. The most common forms of mental illness include:

Bipolar disorder

Eating disorders




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[/ultimate_modal]Fortunately, in a quality addiction treatment center, you’ll go through dual diagnosis therapy. This treatment method separates your addiction and mental illness so you’ll learn proper coping mechanisms for overcoming both. Unfortunately, without dual diagnosis treatment, the chances of relapse are much higher. Additionally, going through dual diagnosis therapy gives you the confidence to face new future challenges. Above all, this attitude helps you maintain sobriety.

What Does an Addiction Treatment Center Address?

When you come to the addiction treatment center at Red Oak Recovery®, we can help you overcome a variety of addictions, including:

Alcohol addiction

Heroin addiction

Cocaine addiction

Opioid addiction

Prescription pill addiction

Holistic Treatment Methods

Holistic treatment sometimes causes a lot of skepticism. However, a holistic approach helps you stay sober. You’ll learn different methods for lasting recovery that don’t involve medications. This treatment is essential because many people attempting to reach sobriety start abusing new drugs, which they receive during rehab. Therefore, using holistic methods not only helps you remain sober. However, they also enable you to experience a higher quality of life.

Choose Red Oak Today

Red Oak Recovery® in Asheville, North Carolina is an addiction treatment facility offering men’s rehab programs. You’ll have the opportunity to undergo individualized treatment in addition to a hybrid program that includes outdoor experiential therapy. Not to mention, building a strong support group by surrounding yourself with recovering peers helps tremendously. Our additional programs include:

Family counseling

12-Step addiction recovery

Nutritional therapy

Stop letting addiction control your life. Only you have the power to overcome the disease. If you or a loved one needs help, contact Red Oak Recovery® immediately at 866.457.7590.