Where to Find Disordered Eating Support

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Where to Find Disordered Eating Support

Disordered eating affects young adults from all walks of life. Societal expectations, fear of failure, and undiagnosed mental health disorders all contribute to body image and eating habits. Disordered eating often goes unnoticed by loved ones. Family members and friends also struggle to provide disordered eating support for their loved one. Disordered eating treatment programs help people build healthy relationships with body image and food while identifying the root causes of unhealthy eating habits.

If you or a young man in your life needs disordered eating support, Red Oak Recovery® can help. Our holistic programs help young men recover from disordered eating and co-occurring disorders. Call us today at 866.457.7590 to learn more about our North Carolina-based wilderness therapy programs for disordered eating.

What Is the Difference Between Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders?

Disordered eating is simply an unhealthy relationship with food. This basic definition allows for many behaviors to qualify as disordered eating. This means eating disorders are also disordered eating. However, eating disorders are defined by the American Psychological Association. They include anorexia and bulimia. Disordered eating behaviors also may include:

  • Body dysmorphia
  • Binge eating
  • Yo-yo dieting
  • Food anxiety or calorie counting
  • Fad dieting food restrictions
  • Guilt and shame related to food

When a person struggles with disordered eating, they are preoccupied with food, calories, and body image. This preoccupation can take their attention away from school, work, and social life. Many develop private rituals around food and avoid group meals. Popular restrictive diets like Atkins, Keto, Paleo, and South Beach may be common around those struggling with disordered eating. Restrictive eating without health benefits or doctor’s recommendations is often a sign of disordered eating.

For many men, disordered eating allows them a sense of control in a crazy world. Counting calories and pounds can give someone a sense of personal autonomy and power. These desires for control often stem from undiagnosed mental health disorders, life stress, and unresolved trauma.

What to Expect from Disordered Eating Treatment?

Treatment and support for disordered eating rely on comprehensive psychotherapy. Clients work with individual therapists, group, and family therapy to identify addiction triggers. Disordered eating is often a symptom of deeper issues. A therapist can diagnose mental health disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. After diagnosis, therapeutic and medical treatment can provide clients with the tools they need to thrive without an unhealthy relationship to food.

Many programs also include alternative therapies to help clients practice tools from therapy in the world, which may include adventure therapy. Today, wilderness therapy is increasingly popular for disordered eating treatment. Clients establish new relationships with food and fuel as they use their bodies to hike, camp, raft, and explore the outdoors. Often, outdoor therapies help clients see the bigger picture and let go of social constructs contributing to disordered eating.

Begin Holistic Treatment for Disordered Eating in North Carolina Today

The North Carolina wilderness is the perfect place to disconnect from your stress and reconnect with your true self. Enjoy the Blue Ridge Mountains with other young men at Red Oak Recovery®. Our programs focus on dual diagnosis for addiction and mental health disorders. In addition, we also treat disordered eating and process addictions like video games and social media addiction. With a focus on individual, group, and family therapy, the men at Red Oak build strong communication skills and relationships.

Get the Help You Need at Red Oak Recovery®

If you’re ready to help yourself or a young man in your life thrive, call Red Oak Recovery® to learn more about our disordered eating support. Call our staff today at 866.457.7590 for more information on wilderness therapy for disordered eating.

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