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What Is Angel Dust?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What Is Angel Dust?

a hooded young man approaches a car, thinking about what is angel dust

At Red Oak Recovery®, we understand the challenges that those struggling with substance use disorders (SUDs) face. However, we also know there are treatment options available. If you have a substance use disorder involving angel dust, our drug addiction treatment center can provide education and treatment to help you overcome the condition.

At our young men’s addiction treatment center, we give our clients the tools they need to overcome addiction. For more information about our drug addiction treatment programs, contact our team online or call 828.382.9699 today.

What Drug Is Angel Dust?

What is angel dust? Also known as PCP of fairy dust, the drug is a powerful dissociative anesthetic, meaning it can make users feel detached from their bodies. It was initially developed as an anesthetic for surgery but has since been discontinued due to its severe side effects.

Angel dust is classified as a hallucinogen and is known for its unpredictable and dangerous effects on the brain and body. Today, it’s classified as a Schedule II controlled substance, meaning it poses a high risk for abuse and may lead to dependence. It’s illegal for the general population to make, take, or sell this drug, but that hasn’t dampened its production in illicit home laboratories and its distribution across the nation.

Dangerous Side Effects of Angel Dust Abuse

What is angel dust, and what are its side effects? No longer used for medicinal purposes, people now take angel dust to experience vivid hallucinations. This powerful drug is a psychedelic substance, meaning it alters the perception of what is and isn’t real.

Side Effects of Angel Dust Abuse

The effects of this drug range from making you feel sluggish to making you want to fight the world. Furthermore, it manifests differently in different people. Someone taking PCP may experience a good trip or a bad trip, and there’s no way to influence the outcome. This is the main attraction for most people.

Many people who take this drug do so to escape a reality that they feel is worse. Unfortunately, long-term use of PCP, or taking PCP at too high a dosage, can cause permanent damage to your brain. It can even cause death. Also, if you shoot PCP intravenously, this leaves you open to contracting illnesses such as hepatitis and HIV.

Mental Health Issues Caused by PCP Abuse

Like many other substances, angel dust does have the potential to lead to mental health issues. People with a history of mental illness should be cautious, as PCP can worsen preexisting conditions. Some of the mental health issues that could potentially be caused by PCP use include anxiety and depression. In addition, long-term use of PCP can result in severe mental health issues, such as:

  • Psychosis
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia

These effects can be so severe that they last a lifetime, even if you stop taking the drug. Getting help is essential if you or someone you love is addicted to angel dust.

What to Expect from Our Angel Dust Abuse Treatment

Treatment for substance use disorder involving angel dust should take place under medical supervision in a program such as the one offered at Red Oak Recovery® in North Carolina.

When you choose Red Oak Recovery®, you’ll take the first important step toward reclaiming your life. Our programs are designed to target several disorders, including those posed by the use of angel dust. Our treatment options at Red Oak Recovery® offer training in:

  • Nutritional therapy
  • Coping
  • Life skills
  • Martial arts
  • Yoga therapy

These are only a few of the offerings available to young adults who choose to recover from their addiction at Red Oak Recovery®. Other therapies include outdoor and wilderness activities, gardening, and group and individual counseling.

Enroll in Substance Abuse Treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in Asheville, NC

At Red Oak Recovery®, we assist young men as they break free from chemical dependence. This leads to a brighter, more positive future without limits to happiness and success. Contact our team online or call 828.382.9699 to learn more. Together, we can restore a healthy life free from drugs and alcohol for you or your loved one.