Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions for Your Mental Health

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions for Your Mental Health

In today’s world, more and more people realize the immense importance of attaining and maintaining mental health. Luckily, there is a wide range of health-related New Year’s resolutions that individuals can implement to get on the road to fostering and optimizing their mental health. Read on to learn more about this important matter and how you can start the process of sticking to New Year’s resolutions that will promote health and happiness.

At Red Oak Recovery®, we want to ensure that your mental health is the best that it can be. Our men’s recovery program offers support for those who are struggling with addiction, mental health concerns, or trauma. If you need support for your sticking to your New Year’s resolutions for your mental health, we can help. Contact our team today at 866.457.7590 to learn more about our services or to enroll in our mental health treatment programs.

Sticking To New Years Resolutions 101

The first step of your journey is determining which resolutions you need to implement to see results. It’s important to note that there is a wide range of strategies you can deploy to make mental health your new reality. Some of them include:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Gardening
  • Journalling
  • Taking a daily walk

One of the best ways to stick to any New Year’s resolution is by writing it down. As many studies have indicated, people who have written goals are much more effective in realizing them. This is the case for many reasons, including the fact that writing a goal or resolution down can help individuals gain clarity regarding what they’re attempting to do and how to do it. To optimize your success with this strategy, be sure to place your written resolution in a visible place that you will pass by frequently.

In addition to writing down your resolutions, make sure that you have an accountability partner. When you have another individual who is aware of your desire to make positive changes in your life, this person can provide you with guidance and encouragement throughout your process. Having to report in regularly can increase your likelihood of sticking to New Year’s resolutions.

Mental Health’s Connections with Addiction

In some cases, mental health conditions co-occur with substance use. In some cases, people use substances to cope with the symptoms of their mental health condition. Conversely, many people begin using drugs or alcohol, and they develop a mental health condition as a result of their use. Our dual diagnosis treatment program offers support for mental health conditions and addictions, including:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Opioid addiction
  • Prescription drug addiction

If you’re trying to stick to New Year’s resolutions for mental health, it’s critical to find support for both conditions. This treatment can drastically improve your life.

Let The Professionals Help You

Another strategy individuals can implement when sticking to New Year’s resolutions for mental health is allowing professionals to help them. Companies such as Red Oak Recovery® are passionate about providing clients with mental health treatment services that will enable them to think in productive, positive ways that promote progressive living and good self-concepts. The company’s professionals offer a wide range of behavioral health services as well as young adult rehab programs. Some of the general services provided by the facility include:

  • Eco-therapy
  • A hybrid program incorporating a focus on outdoor wilderness
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Gardening
  • Gender-specific program

Find Mental Health Treatment at Red Oak Recovery® Today

If you’re struggling with your mental health it’s important to know that you can begin changing right now. Sticking to New Year’s resolutions will help you overcome your addiction and improve your mental health. To ensure that you can get on the road to optimized mental health now, contact the professionals of Red Oak Recovery® at 866.457.7590.

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