Drug Addiction Treatment Centers Near Virginia

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Drug Addiction Treatment Centers Near Virginia

One of the biggest misconceptions people have when it comes to drug addiction is that it is a choice. Many people attribute a failure to stop drug abuse to a character flaw. That can bring about feelings of guilt and shame in individuals questioning their inability to stop using drugs.

One of the main things that the addiction specialist at Red Oak Recovery® in Asheville, North Carolina reinforces is that addiction is an illness. Our treatment center is about seven hours away from Paeorian Springs, Virginia, making it close enough for Virginian residents to attend. Individuals who need help deserve the same care and compassion given to others who are sick. Call Red Oak Recovery® today at 866.457.7590 to learn about the treatment options available.

How Do I Know If I Need Drug Addiction Treatment?

Many people who end up with a drug addiction start with recreational drug use. They may only use them at social gatherings, then find themselves driven to seek out the substance at other times. Continuous drug use typically causes a person’s body to build up a tolerance to the substance. Other signs that you may have a drug addiction include:

  • Spending most or all your money on drugs
  • Pursuing illegal activities to finance your habit
  • Getting into risky situations because you are under the influence
  • Not being able to stop taking drugs
  • Having withdrawal symptoms when you try to wean yourself off drugs

If you’re experiencing several of these symptoms, it’s time to find treatment at a program like the one at Red Oak Recovery®.

What to Do If Addiction Leads to an Overdose

You can easily overdose if you’re taking a bad batch of the drug or taking too much of one substance. If you are alert enough, you should immediately seek emergency help if you notice the following signs of a drug overdose:

  • Limp body
  • Pale or clammy face
  • Bluish lips or skin
  • Choking or snorting sounds
  • Vomiting
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Slow or shallow breathing

If you’ve had a close call or managed to survive an overdose, it may be time to admit yourself for treatment. Red Oak Recovery® center provides those with a substance use disorder with the tools needed to break the cycle of drug addiction.

What to Look For in a Rehab Program

It would be much easier for everyone if a clearly defined template for drug addiction treatment worked for everyone. Since that’s not the case, clients should do their research and look for a place that aligns with their personal needs.

Some people respond well to an inpatient stay at our facility. Others may feel that they would not do well being away from their family or other obligations for an extended period. That’s why we offer a range of programs designed to provide the same level of care provided to clients who enroll themselves for a residential stay.

The best place to start is by talking to an addiction specialist. They can offer you advice on the kind of rehab format to address your current condition. It can help write down your goals and then use it as a guideline to find a rehab center that can help you reach your goals.

Red Oak Recovery® treatment center, just hours away from Paeorian Springs, Virginia, works to understand the underlying issues that may be driving a client’s addiction. This practice allows our staff to draw up customized treatment plans for each client to have the best shot at recovery.

Make A Commitment to Overcome Drug Addiction

The success you achieve through any drug addiction rehab program depends on your level of commitment in most cases. Red Oak Recovery® in Virginia provides programs that appeal to different. Many clients prefer to have a treatment plan that combines traditional psychotherapy and holistic alternatives.

Since many clients prefer getting treatment in a same-sex rehab facility, we offer a men’s rehab program. This treatment option helps to remove distractions and let you put your full focus on getting better.

If you need a drug addiction treatment program, contact Red Oak Recovery® today by calling 866.457.7590.

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