Mental Health and Wellness Center

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Good health involves much more than being physically fit—your mental health also plays a role in your total wellness. Unfortunately, many people with mental health disorders don’t get the treatment they need. As a result, some of them try to medicate themselves with drugs and alcohol. The right mental health and wellness center in NC can make a big difference in your life if you’ve struggled with mental illness along with a substance use disorder. Call 866.457.7590 today to learn about mental health treatment for men.

Common Signs of a Mental Health Disorder

Two people at a mental health wellness centerNearly everyone faces mental health challenges at some point. Anxiety and stress from major life changes, or coping with the loss of a loved one, are common. When symptoms persist or managing emotions becomes difficult, mental health can start to affect daily life negatively. Signs of common mental health disorders include:

  • Depression – mood swings, loss of interest in hobbies, isolation, deep sadness, excessive crying, irritability, too much or too little sleep, appetite changes with weight fluctuation, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts.
  • Anxiety – constant worry affecting daily life, irritability, mood swings, being overly alert, unwanted thoughts, insomnia, trembling, nausea, heart palpitations.
  • Bipolar disorder – extreme mood swings, impulsiveness, risk-taking, hyperactivity, delusions, paranoia, fast talking, sleep problems, weight changes.
  • OCD – obsessive thoughts and actions, hoarding, extreme alertness, rituals, isolation, negative and repetitive thoughts and actions. May include a fear of germs and compulsion for cleanliness. Symptoms develop gradually.
  • PTSD – stems from traumatic events, causing nightmares, flashbacks, severe reactions, anxiety, depression, and isolation to avoid trauma triggers.

Things like a family history of mental illness and trauma can affect your mental health significantly and cause symptoms of underlying disorders to manifest. If your mental health has gotten to a point where it negatively impacts your life, it is crucial to reach out for help. Many facilities offer co-occurring disorder treatment as well, so if you are struggling with substance abuse on top of your mental health concerns, you can get help for that too.

The Connection Between Substance Use and Mental Illness

Although millions of Americans have a mental illness, only a small fraction of them receive help from a mental health and wellness center. There are various reasons they don’t get the treatment they need. Some people are embarrassed about having a mental health disorder. They wonder what will happen if their boss or other people find out.

Other people don’t know about all of the helpful resources available to them, especially ones that can work around their caregiving or job obligations. Instead of seeking help, they turn to drug and alcohol use. They may rationalize drinking more to numb the pain. Or, they may misuse prescription drugs instead of working with professionals to get the medication they need. However, the problem goes both ways. Someone who uses drugs and alcohol may develop mental illness as their addiction progresses. As they continue using, their mental health continues to decline.

How a Qualified Mental Health and Wellness Center Can Benefit You

Whether you began abusing drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with depression or your anxiety became worse due to substance use, treatment at a mental health and wellness center can benefit you in a number of ways. Specialists in addiction treatment understand the link between mental illness and addiction. They’re qualified to treat both disorders simultaneously, which gives you the best chance at lasting recovery.

It’s not enough to simply treat bipolar disorder when addiction exists alongside it. If you’re in North Carolina or a neighboring state, a mental health and wellness center in NC could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

A Mental Health and Wellness Center in NC That Makes a Difference

If you’re searching for the best mental health facilities in NC, consider Red Oak Recovery®. We’re an addiction treatment and rehab center in Asheville that focuses on giving adults the specialized help they need. Alongside addiction treatment, we provide services of a mental health and wellness center for clients who may benefit from dual diagnosis treatment.

Our compassionate team knows that clients with co-occurring disorders require a unique approach to treat mental illness and substance use disorder effectively. What is it about Red Oak Recovery® that sets us apart? We understand the unique challenges that men and women face, whether they’re dealing with one issue or several. We also offer the only true hybrid treatment program that combines adventure-based therapy with clinical treatment options.

Our men’s rehab programs include:

  • Mental health treatment
  • Anxiety treatment program
  • Trauma treatment
  • Depression treatment center
  • Co-occurring disorder treatment

Get the Help You Need Today

If you’re tired of grappling with anxiety, depression, and addiction, help is available at Red Oak Recovery®. Give us a call today at 866.457.7590 for more information about our mental health and wellness center in NC, or fill out our online contact form and let us get back to you.