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Evidence Based Practice

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

When there’s proof that a modality has helped people overcome addiction, it becomes part of evidence based practice. And if you’re struggling with a substance use problem today, that’s what you want to see. You don’t need prominent personalities or quirky approaches. Find out how finding recovery in an evidence-based environment takes place.

Connecting the Disease Model of Addiction with Evidence Based Practice

individuals taking part in evidence based practiceExperts agree that addiction’s a disease. While you may have taken the first fixes willingly, there comes the time when it’s no longer a choice. Withdrawal symptoms prevent you from quitting. The drug’s rewriting of your brain’s chemistry makes you powerless to stop using. You’re now dealing with intense cravings. They consume your every thought. You’re willing to spend every bit of money to feed your drug habit. There’s nothing you won’t do for the next fix. In men’s rehab programs, therapists understand these behaviors. They know that you want to stop yourself but don’t have the tools to do so. That’s where evidence-based modalities make a big difference. By undergoing these treatments, you learn coping skills that put you back in control of your life.

Examples of Modalities in Evidence Based Practice

There are two types of evidence-based modalities. One relies on pharmacological support. Using medication to help with initial craving control makes sense in the rehab setting. While you’re learning coping skills and how to apply them, you get help with cravings control. As you progress, you typically don’t need medications any longer. Now, the emphasis is on behavioral therapy. Examples include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy that gives you the power to notice dysfunctional patterns in thoughts, feelings, and actions
  • One-on-one talk therapy sessions, which provide you with tools to replace dysfunction with healthy activities
  • Dialectical behavior therapy as a means of gaining control over strong emotions
  • Aversion therapy, which supports your decision to stop using drugs by forming unpleasant associations with substance use
  • 12 Step meeting attendance because it has a long track record of helping people stay sober once they finish rehab

Behavioral Treatments in a Therapeutic Environment

It sounds like evidence based practice involves a lot of talking and psychotherapy. It’s true. Sessions may take place one-on-one or in gender-specific groups. You interact with peers while a therapist facilitates the meetings. That said, even the best behavioral treatment can’t stand alone. Remember that addiction affects not only the body and mind but also the spirit. As a result, you need processes that address these aspects of your being, too. Good-quality rehab facilities know this and offer appropriate care. Case in point is wilderness therapy that you might find at North Carolina rehab centers. Zip-lining, backpacking, hiking, ropes courses, and rock climbing are just some of the experiences. They support physical fitness through healthy outdoor activities. But the benefits go further. Participants learn to interact with peers in recovery as teams. In the process, they build self-esteem and self-reliance. You feel stronger and more capable than you have in years. You regain much of the confidence that you lost when realizing that you were powerless to stop using a substance. Add on nutritional counseling. As a holistic care approach, it teaches you how to make healthy lifestyle choices in the kitchen. You learn about foods that give you energy, which takes away the need for artificial energy boosts. When you’re ready to end a drug habit with evidence based practice, there’s help. You don’t have to continue living in a way that you don’t enjoy. Call 866-457-7590 to learn how Red Oak Recovery® can help you.