Understanding Bipolar Disorder

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Understanding Bipolar Disorder

People with untreated bipolar disorder can end up dealing with devastating ups and downs and life. They often swing from extreme highs and lows. Getting the right treatment for bipolar disorder can have a significant impact on your quality of life. While there’s no cure, you can learn to manage the symptoms with the right treatment plan. Most people benefit from receiving treatment in a dedicated environment like Red Oak Recovery®. We have specialists who understand the intricacies of the disorder and the effect bipolar disorder has on clients. Call our treatment program today at 866.457.7590 to learn about the treatment programs.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder have an illness of the brain that affects their mood, energy level, and how they function. When you’re in a depressed or “low” state, you may find yourself getting swallowed up in feelings of hopelessness and despair. It can be challenging for you to find enjoyment in your favorite activities.

Your “high” periods typically bring about the opposite emotions. You become more manic and energized, possibly feeling like you can do 20 things at once. The euphoric feelings can affect your ability to sleep, the judgments you make, and how you behave. People in a manic state often make impulsive decisions that they regret once it wears off.

The number of episodes people with bipolar disorder have per year can vary. Some may have only a few, while others can experience them on multiple occasions. It’s possible to go for a long time without experiencing any symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

The symptoms you have because of bipolar disorder depend on the type. Most people fall into one of the categories outlined below. Each condition has its own set of expected behaviors and signs of illness.

  • Bipolar I Disorder — People who experience a manic episode fall into this grouping. They have bouts of excessive energy that make them feel they are the king of the mountain. Some people also become more irritable or have bouts of depression.
  • Bipolar II Disorder — Individuals with bipolar II disorder typically experience at least one major depressive and manic episode per year. There may also be other underlying mental health issues that exacerbate a person’s bipolar disorder symptoms.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder — Cyclothymic disorder is considered a milder form of bipolar disorder. You may have frequent mood swings, alternating between periods of mania and depression. However, the highs and lows are not as severe as those diagnosed with bipolar I or bipolar II disorder experience.

No matter what type of bipolar disorder you’re experiencing, a mental health treatment center should be able to help you manage your symptoms.

What Treatments Are Available for Bipolar Disorder?

Many individuals with bipolar disorder I and II respond positively to different forms of psychotherapy. Red Oak Recovery® clients who participate in therapy for bipolar disorder receive an in-depth education about their illness and what they can do to manage the brain disorder once they leave treatment.

Medication is typically recommended for treating bipolar disorder symptoms. Most medications work to balance signals in the brain that may be out of sync. It’s common for people to try out different medicines before settling on one that seems to work.

Red Oak Recovery® provides clients working to overcome bipolar disorder with individualized treatment plans. Our mental health professionals understand that what may work for one person may not be nearly as effective on another. We want to help our clients overcome the negative perceptions about having a mental illness and get them to a healthier and more fulfilling place in life.

Get Help at Red Oak Recovery®

If you believe that you are exhibiting signs of bipolar disorder, it is a good idea to seek treatment from a mental health professional. You may also benefit from receiving care through one of our therapy programs, including:

  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Individual counseling
  • Holistic healing
  • Mental health treatment

Contact us by calling 866.457.7590 to find out more about whether Red Oak Recovery® may be right for you.

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