Talking To A Young Adult About Drugs

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Talking To A Young Adult About Drugs

According to studies researched by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an estimated 43.5 million people in the United States used marijuana in 2018. In contrast, close to 9.9 million people tried prescription medication without a prescription in the same year. With numbers this large, it is essential to take the time to discuss drug use with young adults. Prevention is the key to avoid a dependency problem. Here are some guidelines to follow when talking to a young adult about drugs. We also offer some telltale signs that your loved one is possibly using drugs and discuss what to do if they need assistance in stopping drug usage.

Talking To Your Adolescent About Drugs

Most people find the process of talking to a young adult about drugs to be complicated. It is best to set aside time for the session and be completely relaxed and comfortable. Make sure they know this is an important topic and do not have any distractions present for the talk. It is wise to be completely open about the dangers of using drugs. This openness allows the young adult to understand the severity of addiction and what it does to the body. In addition, keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure to answer any questions the young adult has about specific drugs and what happens when you use them
  • Do not scold, reprimand, or raise your voice when talking to a young adult about drugs
  • Watch the young adult for potential signs that they have used drugs already
  • Provide the person with alternate activities to drug use to try if they find themself in a situation where drugs are present
  • Give them strategies to thwart peer pressure including things to say to those trying to push drug use

Recognizing The Signs Of A Drug Problem

When talking to a young adult about drugs, you also need to be alert and watch for signs indicating they are already using substances illegally. Watch them for signals during this session and observe their actions in the days afterward as well. Some signs that indicate a possible drug problem include:

  • Hanging out with a new circle of friends or avoiding friends and spending a lot of time alone
  • A sudden drop in productivity or lack of interest in their hobbies when there was one before
  • An increase in health problems or sickness
  • Depression, anxiety, or stress
  • Shifty behavior or a change in social patterns
  • A change in appetite
  • Asking for or stealing money from loved ones

How To Get Help After Talking To a Young Adult About Drugs

After talking to a young adult about drugs, and observing their behavior, finding help to treat a possible problem is necessary if there is a need. Red Oaks Recovery is located in Asheville, NC, and caters to male clients from the ages of 18-34. We use a mixture of clinical and therapeutic methods to treat those suffering from drug, alcohol, and other addictions. Some programs we provide include:

  • Men’s program
  • Family program
  • Holistic services
  • Alcohol Rehab Program
  • Heroin Rehab Program
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy

Our staff uses caring tactics to aid in drug rehabilitation and coping mechanisms. We also believe that the incorporation of wildlife exploration aids in providing clients with a peaceful environment to help take their minds off of difficulties as they obtain treatment.

If you recently finished talking to a young adult about drugs and you believe they need assistance in stopping drug usage, contact Red Oaks Recovery to inquire about therapy and treatment programs we offer. Contact us at 866.457.7590 for further information.

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