Does Therapy Benefit Young Adult Mental Health?

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Does Therapy Benefit Young Adult Mental Health?

Teenagers and young adults often face challenges related to school, connecting with peers, and figuring out what they want to accomplish in life. The stress of trying to navigate these issues can take a toll on a young adult’s mental health. It can be even harder on individuals who are also trying to manage a mental health disorder. Therapy can help young people learn coping skills to deal with their symptoms healthily. Regular counseling can also teach people how to discontinue destructive behaviors like drug and alcohol abuse. Contact Red Oak Recovery® at 866.457.7590 today to learn more about our young adult mental health program in NC.

Does Therapy Benefit Young Adult Mental Health?

Therapy can be an effective way for young adults to address their mental health needs. Research has shown that therapy can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. It can also help young adults develop healthier coping strategies to better manage difficult emotions and stressors. Additionally, therapy can provide a safe, non-judgmental space for young adults to express themselves and be heard. This can be especially helpful for those who are struggling to find the support they need from family and friends.

Therapy can benefit young adult mental health in many ways, but three of the most significant benefits include:

  1. Learning effective communication skills
  2. Learning how to manage emotions in a healthier way
  3. Understanding and managing the illness or disorder

We explore these benefits in-depth below.

1. Therapy Encourages More Open Communication

Young adults often have a hard time letting people know that they need help. Some turn their pain inward, indulging in self-destructive behavior that is a plea for someone to notice they are in trouble. Some less healthy ways in which younger people may express what’s going on inside include:

  • Cutting themselves
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
  • Using drugs
  • Lashing out in anger at friends, parents, and authority figures

Unfortunately, others dismiss these signs as that person being a troublemaker or moody. Having their signals ignored can cause a young person to indulge in more extreme behavior and restart the cycle of self-harm.

Taking part in therapy sessions gives individuals a chance to be heard by their therapist. They are encouraged to talk about what’s driving their behavior. They also get the opportunity to learn better ways of expressing themselves that don’t involve hurting themselves or others. That can lead to the mending of relationships and the rebuilding of bonds with friends and family.

2. Therapy Can Teach You How to Manage Your Emotions

Various forms of talk therapy, like cognitive-behavioral therapy, teach you how to recognize patterns where your default reaction is negativity. You also learn to recognize when your perception of a situation may be wrong.

Once you understand what’s happening and the circumstances that prompt that behavior, you can learn how to redirect your thoughts more positively. For instance, you can learn to listen to your feelings and understand what is happening. You can then respond appropriately instead of prematurely reacting with anger to perceived slights.

Dialectic behavior therapy is another kind of talk therapy that provides similar benefits. There are various counseling services available through programs like those offered at Red Oak Recovery® that can benefit the mental health of young adults.

3. Therapy Can Help You Understand Your Illness

Many young people have no idea why they act out in different ways. They may have an undiagnosed mental health disorder that requires mental health treatment. Drug and alcohol abuse are common ways that young adults try to manage symptoms they do not fully understand that may be the result of:

  • Major depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia

Attending therapy sessions to address your behavior can be the start of figuring out what’s going on inside. Getting a confirmed diagnosis of a mental health disorder can provide you with direction. You can now start learning about how you can treat your illness, hopefully allowing you to move your life in a more positive direction.

Find Support for Young Adult Mental Health at Red Oak Recovery®

Clients who enroll at Red Oak Recovery® gain access to traditional and holistic forms of therapy. Young adults receive individualized treatment plans where they participate in sessions designed to help with their specific issues.

Programs and therapies that can benefit young adults include:

If you’re ready to improve your mental health and work on changing your life, get started by contacting Red Oak Recovery® at 866.457.7590 or via our online form.