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How Alcohol Rehab Center in Tennessee Compares to North Carolina

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

How Alcohol Rehab Center in Tennessee Compares to North Carolina

If you reside in the Tennessee area and are searching for alcohol rehab treatment centers, you are likely to be looking at alcohol rehabs located in Tennessee. While this might seem like the most reasonable option, there are many reasons to consider leaving your area and seeking treatment elsewhere. Please call Red Oak Recovery® at 866.457.7590 today for more detailed information about our alcohol rehab programs.

Are You Hesitant to Attend Alcohol Rehab in Tennessee?

In some cases, it’s best to take some time away from the triggers that occur in your home state. In others, you may not be able to find a treatment program that suits your unique needs. It may not be the best choice to attend a Tennessee alcohol rehab center, as there may be significant drawbacks to enrolling in a long-term alcohol addiction treatment center in Tennessee. North Carolina borders Tennessee on the east and has many options for effective alcohol treatment. 

While finding a treatment center in Tennessee may not be the right choice for you, receiving prompt treatment is still essential. It’s best to zero in on the best option as soon as possible, but it’s vital to find the program that truly meets your needs. Long-term stays in a gender-specific treatment facility have proven to be a superior option for many patients. A shortened outpatient alcohol rehab stay is usually not enough to make the necessary physiological adjustments to withstand temptation outside of rehab.

If you’re hesitant about enrolling in Tennessee alcohol rehab, we have options available to you in North Carolina. Drug and alcohol rehab programs in North Carolina can help their clients heal the root causes of addiction. This healing occurs in a discreet, serene setting, away from the hustle and bustle and temptations of everyday life.

The Drawbacks of an Alcohol Rehab Center in Tennessee

Many clients need to take a break from their current surroundings in order to gain a new perspective on their world. This may be difficult to achieve when attending a Tennessee rehab for alcohol addiction. It is important to separate oneself from the habits, patterns, and choices that brought the client into rehab Seeing the same surroundings and being close to the same people often makes it hard to fully commit to recovery. From a psychological standpoint, when change happens externally, it is easier for a person to envision change happening internally. This seems like an overly simple psychological trick, but it continues to be a powerful tool in early recovery.

Staying in Tennessee is likely to keep clients stuck in a rut and potentially expose them to the same harmful triggers. Additionally, staying close to home doesn’t afford the advantage of the time to concentrate on yourself. Family and friends who care about you aren’t necessarily a trigger to using alcohol. However, they can be a well-meaning distraction when you really need to focus on yourself.

When the client is located a safe distance from their previous negative influences, they are also, by default, located farther away from the people who care the most. This can be painful. However, if clients aren’t expecting daily check-ins, they have more energy and time to work on their recovery. Attending a rehab in North Carolina helps clients build a foundation to maintain lifelong sobriety by limiting distractions early on.

Gain Perspective in Alcohol Rehab at Red Oak Recovery® in NC

There are definite drawbacks to take note of when considering attending an alcohol rehab that is closer to home. Red Oak Recovery® in North Carolina offers significant benefits, including a variety of treatment options geared toward young men. We can help you get the most out of our high-quality alcohol rehab treatment through treatments such as:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Group therapy
  • Wilderness therapy
  • Adventure therapy

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 866.457.7590 today.