the Red Oak Recovery<sup>®</sup> wordmark in color

Recovery Management

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Recovery Management: Return To Recovery

/ The road to recovery is one an individual will travel for the rest of their life. Some days are easier than others, but constant vigilance is necessary for success. However, there is always the possibility of returning to use at any point during this journey. Often, those who experience a return to use feel shame, disappointment, and guilt. It’s important to remember that a return to use doesn’t mean failure. Red Oak Recovery® provides Recovery Management services designed to meet the needs of clients who have been in recovery for at least ninety days and have experienced a recent use episode or are about to. Based on the Gorski-CENAPS model of recovery and relapse prevention, clients will receive a minimum of twenty-five hours of clinical care per week by master’s level, dually licensed (substance use and mental health) clinicians as well as work with a Gorski-trained clinical professional. The focus is placed on individual thoughts, feelings, urges, actions, and reactions around triggers and returns to use in a gender-separate environment over the course of three weeks. Families also participate in an intensive Family Program to continue to work on relationships and family systems. Our Recovery Management Services include:

  • Length of stay: minimum 21 days, can be extended if clinically necessary
  • Based on the Gorski-CENAPS Relapse Prevention Program
  • Intensive work with a dedicated Gorski-trained clinical professional
  • High level of collaboration with referring treatment team
  • Focus on individual thoughts, feelings, and other underlying issues that are triggering to the client
  • Gender separate programming
  • Weekly family and referent updates with a primary therapist
  • Placing a focus on relapse prevention as well as providing support for those experiencing a return to use is crucial to continuing the journey of recovery.

About Red Oak Recovery®

Red Oak Recovery® is a male-only facility within the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Our location allows us to provide unique therapy opportunities in a healing and calming environment. When clients come to us for help, we begin the enrollment process with an onsite assessment to determine the needs of the individual. From there, our team will establish a custom treatment plan to address these needs. Programs available through Red Oak Recovery® along with recovery management include the following:

Clients can also participate in the following addiction therapy services:

  • Adventure therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Experiential therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Trauma therapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Wilderness therapy

Contact Red Oak Recovery® today at 866.457.7590 to learn about our recovery management and other services. Let us help you stay the course of your recovery journey.